Mounted Canvas Art

Mounted Canvas Art

Mounted canvas gives prints an ultra modern-looking edge! Printed on high-quality, 17mil artist canvas, then mounted on lightweight and durable stretcher bars for a chic, minimalist effect. Canvas is an ideal option for those who prefer a traditional look and are looking for added texture in their artwork, photographs, or design style. This personalized and custom wall art option is perfectly suited for business or personal use to display logos, graphics, photographs, and more. Available in a variety of standard sizes.


What People Are Saying About Elanor Vintage

“Elanor is able to capture the texture, handiwork and creative spirit that is quilting in all its glory. Her pictures present an imaginative collection that presents a tradition that is still evolving. A portrayal captured through such a skilled lens can be valued for the warmth, comfort and caring that a quilt symbolizes and brings into your home.”
